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Major strike in Hollywood averted at last minute as both sides agree to wage increase
米ハリウッドの大規模スト、直前回避 労使が賃上げ合意
Labor and management groups representing the film and television industry in Hollywood in the US reached a new tentative agreement on the 16th that includes improvements in working conditions and wage increases. The labor union, which is demanding a review of long working hours on weekends, was ready to launch a strike of 60,000 people on the 18th if its demands were not met, but this was averted at the last minute.
On the 16th, IATSE, a group of workers in the entertainment industry in the US and Canada, and the AMPTP, which represents US film and television producers, set a three-year tentative agreement. According to the US media, the AMPTP represented not only long-established film companies like Walt Disney, but also streaming services such as Netflix, Amazon.com, and Apple in the current negotiations.
(LissN 2021年10月30日配信)
【Words and Phrases】
tentative agreement 暫定合意
improvement 改善
labor union 労働組合
strike ストライキ
at the last time 土壇場で
avert 回避する
long-established ... 老舗の〜


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