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Let's read !!! 早速記事の一部を読んでみましょう。

Prime Minister and South Korean President-Elect spoke on the phone about cooperating to improve relations
首相、韓国次期大統領と電話協議 関係改善へ協力
The prime minister emphasized that South Korea is "an important neighbor," and went on to point out that "healthy Japan-South Korea relations are essential for maintaining a rule-based international order and ensuring peace, stability, and prosperity in the region as well as in the world." He also stressed the importance of cooperation between Japan, the US and South Korea.
They also confirmed that they will seek to have a face-to-face meeting as soon as possible. In-person talks between the leaders of Japan and South Korea have not taken place since December 2019.
Regarding the response to North Korea, the prime minister said, "We agreed to work intimately on how to respond to problems such as the nuclear and missile issues as well as the abduction issue."
He refused to comment on whether the two exchanged views on the former conscripted labor or comfort women issues.
Japan and South Korea have been bumping heads on historical issues since the start of the Moon Jae-in administration in May 2017.
(LissN 2022年3月24日配信)

【Words and Phrases】
rule-based ルールに基づく
prosperity 繁栄
in-person talks 対面での会談
intimately 緊密に
abduction 拉致
conscripted labor 徴用工
bumping heads 対立する【日本語訳】


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