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Let's read !!! 早速記事の一部を読んでみましょう。

Private experts say public and private sectors should bolster investment in intangible assets
「無形資産への投資」官民で強化 民間有識者が提言
The Institute of Economic and Social Systems (Chairman: Yoshimitsu Kobayashi, director of Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings) has compiled a policy proposal for capitalism in the future. It said that the value of intangible assets such as human capital, intellectual property, and data will increase in the future, and recommended strengthening education and skill acquisition and expanding R&D investment. It also included the opinion that national goals should be redefined for areas beyond gross domestic product (GDP), such as health and the environment.
The proposal was drawn up by a research group that included Kenji Matsuyama, chief director of the institute and former vice minister of the Cabinet Office, and other experts. Unlike machinery and equipment, the value created by intangible assets cannot be monopolized by investors and has a ripple effect outside of the company.
(LissN 2021年11月18日配信)
【Words and Phrases】
compile まとめる
capitalism 資本主義
intangible assets 無形資産
skill acquisition スキル習得
draw up まとめる 作成する
monopolize by が独占する
ripple effect 波及効果


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