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Let's read !!! 早速記事の一部を読んでみましょう。

Nissan to stop developing engines, first for Europe, then gradually for Japan and China
日産がエンジン開発終了へ まずは欧州、日中も段階的に
Nissan Motor is looking to stop developing new gasoline engines for Japan, Europe, and China. In response to the tightening of emissions regulations worldwide, the company will shift its investment from internal combustion engines to the development of engines for electric vehicles (EV) and hybrid vehicles (HV). This is the first time that a major Japanese car company's policy to end engine development has been revealed. The global shift to EVs has also extended to the development of key auto parts.
Nissan first stopped developing new engines for Europe. Due to the new emissions regulations beginning as early as 2025, the company decided that the cost to develop technologies required for internal combustion engines would not be worth it. The company also plans to phase out engine development for China and Japan, which generally comply with European regulations. However, HV engine development will continue.
(LissN 2022年2月20日配信)

【Words and Phrases】
emissions regulations 排ガス規制
worldwide 世界的に
reveal 明かす
shift シフトする 換える
internal combustion engines 内燃エンジン
phase out 段階的にやめる


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