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Astellas to increase R&D by 60% in fiscal 2025 to invest in new areas
アステラス、26年3月期の研究開発費6割増 先端分野投資
Astellas Pharma is planning to increase fiscal 2025 R&D spending by 56% compared to fiscal 2020 to about 350 billion yen. This will be the largest amount in the company's history. They hope to increase sales by about 50% by selling drugs for prostate cancer and other illnesses. Astellas will soon start clinical trials for new gene and cell treatment. Much of their earnings will be used to invest in future growth areas.
This was announced by Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Minoru Kikuoka, who took office in March and was the previous president of Japan Display (JDI). Kikuoka has worked for an investment bank where his job was related to the healthcare sector, including drug companies. "For drug companies, R&D is our life line," he said, adding, "We will invest about 350 billion yen in gene and cell treatment and such in fiscal 2025."
(LissN 2022年4月4日配信)

【Words and Phrases】
R&D 研究開発(research and developmentの略)
prostate cancer 前立腺がん
clinical trials 臨床試験
gene 遺伝子
cell treatment 細胞医療
take office 就任する


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