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Let's read !!! 早速記事の一部を読んでみましょう。

Japan begins finalizing nomination of Sado Island gold mine site to World Heritage list, reversing decision to postpone
佐渡金山、世界遺産推薦へ最終調整 見送りから一転
On the 28th, the government began finalizing its nomination to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to register the gold mines on Sado Island in Niigata Prefecture as a World Heritage site. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had considered postponing the nomination, fearing backlash from South Korea. In light of calls from within the Liberal Democratic Party to go ahead with the nomination, the government is changing course.
The relevant documents must be submitted to UNESCO by February 1st in order to be considered for inscription in 2023.
The Council for Cultural Affairs selected the Sado Island gold mines site as a candidate in December 2021. Immediately afterward, a South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson issued a statement calling for a retraction, pointing out that people from the Korean Peninsula had to work there under harsh conditions before the war.
(LissN 2022年2月10日配信)
【Words and Phrases】
nomination 推薦
gold mine 金山
World Heritage site 世界文化遺産
backlash 反発
in light of… ~を踏まえて
relevant documents 関連書類
retraction 撤回


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