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Let's read !!! 早速記事の一部を読んでみましょう。

Chinese military aircraft invade Taiwan's ADIZ in response to Lithuania's visit to Taiwan
中国軍機27機、台湾防空圏に侵入 リトアニア訪台に反発
There is a large divergence in opinion between the US and China over Taiwan, and relations have become particularly tense since autumn this year. With the US-China summit held on the 15th and a temporary easing of tensions, threats by Chinese warplanes against Taiwan have tended to be subdued recently.
However, China is believed to have once again taken a fierce opposition stance when it learned that a delegation of lawmakers from three Baltic countries including Lithuania urging stronger Taiwan relations had visited Taiwan.
On the 18th, Taiwan opened a representative office in Lithuania that is effectively an embassy. The Taiwanese side wanted to use the name "Taiwanese Representative Office in Lithuania" with the unconventional choice to use the name "Taiwan," and the Lithuanian government approved it.
(LissN 2021年12月13日配信)

【Words and Phrases】
divergence 相違 分岐
tense 緊迫する ピリピリする
threat 威嚇 脅し
subdue 抑制する
fierce opposition 猛反発
effectively 事実上の
unconventional 異例の


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