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Let's read !!! 早速記事の一部を読んでみましょう。

Mizuho partners with Google to drastically revamp client services through digital transformation
みずほ、Googleと提携 DXで顧客サービス抜本見直し
Mizuho Financial Group has partnered with US Google to shore up its digital services. The company will analyze customer transaction data on Google Cloud and provide services suited to each customer, such as investment trusts and mortgage proposals, as early as fiscal 2022. The company will also incorporate Google's expertise in system development to make up for its slow start in digital transformation (DX), which its handling of system failures had hindered.
The company has reached an agreement with Google Cloud Japan, its Japanese subsidiary, on a strategic partnership for digital transformation and will announce it soon. The company will work to improve customer service by utilizing Google's data analysis and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, as well as adopt Google's corporate culture through training and on-site collaboration, including its approach to system development and fostering innovation.
(LissN 2022年4月4日配信)

【Words and Phrases】
shore up てこ入れする
mortgage 住宅ローン
incorporate 取り入れる
Japanese subsidiary 日本法人
on-site collaboration 現場での協業
fostering 育む


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