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Let's read !!! 早速記事の一部を読んでみましょう。

First weekend after quasi-emergency expansion, people are recommended to "avoid traveling far, visit nearby places"
まん延防止拡大、初の週末 「遠出避けて近場へ」
The 22nd marked the first weekend since the quasi-state of emergency for preventing the spread of COVID came into effect for an additional thirteen prefectures, including the Tokyo metropolitan area, Tokai, and Kyushu. In the morning, tourists wearing masks could be seen coming and going around Asakusa in Tokyo.
"I felt reluctant to travel far, but I figured there was no need to worry too much," said a female office worker from Urayasu City, Chiba Prefecture, who was visiting Sensoji Temple and other spots with her son (4) and others.
She wondered if she should refrain from going out, but decided, "I will avoid crowded times and will not stay for long. I want to enjoy sightseeing in the neighborhood while finding ways to reduce the risk of infection."
(LissN 2022年2月4日配信)

【Words and Phrases】
quasi-state of emergency for preventing the spread of COVID 新型コロナのまん延防止等重点措置
additional 追加の
Tokyo metropolitan area 首都圏
coming and going 行き交う
reluctant to するのに気が引ける
reduce the risk of infection 感染リスクを下げる


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