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Let's read !!! 早速記事の一部を読んでみましょう。

Netflix raises prices in Japan, with staying at home providing a tailwind; they will focus energies on production
Netflixが日本で値上げ 巣ごもり追い風、制作に力


Netflix is raising prices around the world to create its own content, and announced a monthly price increase of 100 to 300 yen in the US and Canada in October 2020 and the UK in January 2021, respectively.
Japan plays a major role not only in acquiring users but also in content production. In partnership with Japanese animation production companies and creators, more than 25 original works from Japan are scheduled to be distributed in 2021.
With stay-at-home consumption as a tailwind, domestic video streaming is a growing market. According to research firm GEM Partners (Minato, Tokyo), it is expected to reach 438.9 billion yen in 2024, 1.6 times that of 2019. Visual Media Research Institute representative Koichi Yomoda points out, "Japanese companies are prioritizing increasing the number of paying members, without raising prices."
(LissN 2021年2月18日配信)

【Words and Phrases】
respectively それぞれ
acquiring 獲得する
distribute 配信する
stay-at-home consumption 巣ごもり需要
as a tailwind 追い風となる
prioritizing 優先する


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